Legal Notices
Last updated May 18, 2018
1. Patents and trademarks
All ChromaCon processes are patented.
ChromaCon®, Contichrom®, CaptureSMB®, N-Rich®, Flow2®, AutomAb®, MControl®, ChromIQ® are all registered trademarks of ChromaCon AG. The absence of a product or service name or logo from this list does not constitute a waiver of ChromaCon AG's trademark or other intellectual property rights concerning that name or logo.
2.Terms of use for ChromaCon’s website
We will not take any warranty nor liability for the content
Please read the Terms of Use carefully to understand our general rules about your use of this website.
We created the content of our web pages with the greatest care to include accurate and current information and we make every effort to continuously extend and update the information published on our website, and reserve the right to amend this information or data at any time and without any prior announcement. However, we cannot assume any warranty, guarantee or representation for the correctness, accuracy and/or completeness of the information and data provided on our website. ChromaCon AG will not be liable for any damages including but not limited to special or consequential damages, resulting from the use of, or the inability to use, the material and information contained in this website. Any and all rights and obligations between our company and the user of this website or third parties shall also be expressly excluded.
We are responsible for our own content on these pages according to general laws in Switzerland. However, we are not obligated to monitor third-party information sent to or saved on our website or to investigate any circumstances that indicate any illegal activity. This shall not affect our obligations under general laws to remove or block the use of information. However, we can assume liability for taking such action only from the time we receive knowledge of a specific legal violation or infringement of rights. We will remove such content from our website as soon as possible after we receive knowledge of any respective legal violations or infringement of rights by said information.
Forward looking information
Some of the statements on this site are forward looking. Such statements are inherently subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including scientific, business, economic and financial factors and other factors that may cause actual results, performance or achievements of ChromaCon AG and affiliates to be materially different from those expected or anticipated in the forward-looking statements.
ChromaCon AG has no responsibility to update the forward-looking statements contained in this site to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the date of publication. You must not rely on this information for investment decisions.
Liability for links
Our website contains links to external third-party websites that are not under our control. For this reason, we cannot assume any guarantees for this third-party content. The particular party offering or operating third-party sites shall be solely responsible for the content of the pages linked to our website. The linked pages were reviewed for any possible legal violations or infringement of rights at the time they were linked. Illegal content could not be discerned at the time these pages were linked. However, it is not reasonable for us to monitor the linked pages continuously without having received any specific indication of a legal violation or an infringement of rights by said content. Upon receiving knowledge of such legal violations or infringement of rights, we will remove these links as soon as possible.
We shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages, including loss of profit, arising from the use of the information or data on websites that are referred to in our website or that are hyper-linked to our website.
Data protection
We refer to ChromaCon’s privacy statement provided on this web site.
3.Copyright and licensing laws
All content published on this website, in particular, all images, graphics, symbols, logos, and audio, video, animation and text documents in any file format and in any combination are protected by copyright, trademark and other laws for protection of intellectual property. The use, modification or reproduction of any and all images, graphics, symbols, logos, audio, video, animation and text documents in any file format and in any combination require our prior written consent.
Generally, such authorization shall apply to only a previously and unequivocally defined use granted for a specific purpose and shall not constitute any permission to general use. Even in the event that use, downloading or reproduction of website content has been previously authorized, said content may neither be modified nor copied for commercial purposes. Furthermore, said authorization given herein above shall not grant any licensing rights whatsoever to use of intellectual property.
In addition, we ourselves endeavor to always respect third-party copyrights and to access or make reference to our own as well as license-free content sources.
4.General provisions and place of jurisdiction
Any and all information or data, its use and application for inclusion in this website and any and all actions, toleration or failure to act relating to this website shall be governed exclusively by Swiss law. The place of venue and exclusive jurisdiction shall be the legal domicile of the operator designated in the website credits.